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Part Time Worship Director

South Memorial Drive Church of God

3800 S Memorial Drive

New Castle, IN 47362



Core Responsibilities

*Sing, play piano and/or guitar well, and lead worship on Sunday mornings.


*Lead/schedule individuals to play instruments and sing as members of a weekly praise team.


*Print any music needed for musicians (ex: guitar, clarinet, trumpet, flute, piano and keyboard/piano and keyboard use guitar sheets).


*Run a rehearsal currently do ne at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning.


*Stage setup (mics for small groups/plays, weddings, funerals or special events) as needed.



Additional requirements and responsibilities

Schedule a singing group for a Sunday morning twice a year


Any additional duties requested by Senior Pastor




$20,000 pay package

2weeks + 2Sundays of vacation (year 0-5),

3 weeks + 3Sundays (year 6-9),

4 weeks + 4 Sundays (year 10+)

Unpaid time off is also available.

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